
Article Category

Will You Marry Me

It’s Shit or Get Off The Pot Time.

Each year there are many women worldwide that are thrilled to accept a marriage proposal along with a beautiful engagement ring to go with it during the holidays. On the other hand, there are also many women that were sorely disappointed when the holidays passed without a proposal or a ring. Out of this group of women, there will be many wondering just how long they need to wait for their men to pop the question.  There really aren’t any hard and fast rules when it comes to this dilemma. That’s what makes it somewhat difficult to know when to …
Biracial Love

Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late. Introducing Your Family to Your Biracial Partner

It may be that segregation has been left in the dust from long ago, but there are still many people that continue to live in the past and clutch their biracial objections close to their hearts. If you come from one of these families and have managed to avoid having their prejudices rub off on you; that’s commendable. However, it may be difficult to explain to your backwards family that you’ve met someone of another race from yourself and that the two of you are in a relationship. Most likely, you’ve been hiding this man from your family because of …
Stainless Steel Padlocks with Hearts on them

Don’t Put the Key to Your Happiness in Someone Else’s Pocket

Too many people these days depend on whether or not they’re in a relationship to decide if they’re happy or not. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can ever make for both yourself and the future of your relationship. You’ll find out rather quickly that if you rely on the actions of your partner to “make” you happy that your emotions will stay in constant movement much like riding a roller coaster.   Couples in successful relationships understand this concept. They don’t depend on each other for their own personal happiness. Instead, each of them do things that they …
Save Money

Stop Spending So Much Money On Date Night

In times like these where so many people are losing their jobs due to the downward spiral of the economy, dating can become a real challenge. Even dinner dates at places like McDonald’s can be difficult to manage. That’s why it’s a tossup of whether you should have dinner out or do the cooking at home.  Consider the price of a dinner out. If you go to a nice restaurant that serves excellent food, you’ll probably do well to get out for $30 to $35. Then you need to include the tip if your server has been very attentive and …

To Get All Up In The Club or Cozy Up Online?

So you have been single for a while and you would like to get back in the saddle again. There are numerous ways that you can go about finding that significant other these days, but which one should you put your trust into the most? Everyone knows of the online dating services that are constantly showing commercials on television, and there are more clubs out there these days that have singles nights than you can shake a stick at. That’s why you have to decide whether you want to spend your time searching online, or spend your time going from …
Don't Give Her Ammo

Fellas, Don’t Give Her Ammo For Girls Night

Dating can, and should be, a lot of fun, and most of the time things go pretty well on a date. However, there are a few mistakes that men just can’t seem to help making when entering the dating game. Following are some of the more important ones that you’re going to want to avoid:  Making negative first impressions: You may think there’s nothing you can do about this but you couldn’t be more wrong. The main rule of thumb here is to be yourself. Dress nicely and behave respectfully to her, of course, but don’t pretend to be something …
Single Mother

When You’re Ready, Mama, We’re Here. Dating Again as a Single Mother

As more and more single mothers start re-entering the dating arena, there are some tricky situations to maneuver through. These can be mothers that are either divorced or those that are single because they chose to be. For these women, dating can involve some pretty large hoops to jump through unless you’ve got live in help or a relative that just loves to babysit your kids for you. Actually, babysitting is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to coordinating all of the things that need to be taken care of before you can enjoy a night out …
Creative Date Night

Creative vs Expensive. Using Your Imagination For Date Night

Dating used to be something that all couples looked forward to years ago. The dating ritual usually consisted of going out to eat and to a movie. In those times, the guy always paid for the date. If you look back far enough, you’ll even learn about drive in movie theaters when admission covered an entire carload of people. So double dating was a big deal. The snack bar served cheap popcorn and other easy food such as hotdogs and French fries. It was easy to have a $10 to $15 date back then.  Now that the number of drive …
Depressed Woman

Has The Lock-down Got Your Partner Feeling Down? When to Know It’s Serious.

Many women find themselves in the position of dealing with the depression of their boyfriends. This is often a real surprise to women because they’re usually the ones that are susceptible to depression. Women of child bearing age usually have all sorts of hormonal issues that happen to them. Men not only accept that this happens, but they get used to it. However, men also become depressed and when it strikes your boyfriend, you’ll need to help him deal with it while also taking care of yourself. The first thing you’ll need to do is try to get him to …
Confident Woman

Girl, Just Be You!

There are a lot of guys out there that have seen television shows and movies that have one of those dating guru type guys promising to get you any woman you ever wanted to fall madly in love with you. There are also websites that you’ve probably seen along with eBooks all over the internet that promise you the same things as well. While these “guru’s” are making quite a lot of money with their promises, what they aren’t telling you is that it’s all a scam. They want you to give them their hard earned money so that they …